Big dilemma: Cousins and aunty going off to do Flight of the Gibbons today. They wanted Jonty to go with them. Jonty would have loved to have gone and I would have loved for him to have gone, but I was not feeling 100% happy about it - (1) another day off school and (2) not doing it with him.
After much deliberation, Nick and I decided that we would not let him go. When I told him this morning he was, like, okay, fine, what's for breakfast? I asked him if he wasn't upset...??? Surely he would be! But no, he really was fine and even admitted that he was feeling quite anxious about going "alone" (i.e. without mom and dad).
So today he went off to school while his favourite cousins went to Chiang Mai, and he went without whining and complaining.
Again I tell myself: School can't be THAT bad! Something good must be going on there.
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