I hate school. I have no friends. School's boring. I don't want to go to school today....
Heard this before?
So have I.
And so have mothers living in every country in the world. But somehow when you're living cross-culturally and sending your children to a school that - in the back of your mind - you ARE wondering about, this can become a crisis.
Jonty was a bit negative going off to school this morning. He thought it might be better if he perhaps stayed at home - he had a stye in his eye, and thought he might be feverish, and besides, he loves being with me SO much.
Later when I discussed it with my sister she said some days she has exactly the same thing with her little girl, and her daughter loves school, has plenty of friends, and attends a brilliant school.
So: reminder to self:
All over the world there are perfectly happy and well-adjusted children teling their moms that they don't want to go to school today. And its okay. Wel, unless we are looking for reasons to keep our kids out of school, or justification for giving up on Thai schooling...
'I don't want to go to school' means the kids are just having a bad day...tomorrow will be better!
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